What is Vaginoplasty? Benefits and Why Should You Have It Done?


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Vaginal rejuvenation surgery is a type of feminizing procedure in transgender individuals. In general, complete benefits of vaginoplasty removing the outer genitals and creating a genital space. The glan clitoris is mobilized and placed in the right position so that penile skin

(neo-vagina) can wrap around it. Remnants of the scrotal can be used to make the inner thighs when there is not enough skin to cover the neoclitoris or the entire neovagina. A proportion of patients undergoing this operation also require reduction of the gonads or androgenic abnormalities.

Thereby, understanding the specific benefits and potential drawbacks of the procedure can aid patients in informed consent. For such reasons, surgeons must be equipped with reliable and professionally evaluated knowledge when discussing what is vaginoplasty. Seeing that an ideal vaginoplasty procedure could vary from patient to patient, taking into account specific therapeutic goals, social and professional basis of every transgender patient, we hope that should this manuscript be of interest, it will encourage further constructive discussion of advancing the understanding of this delicate and individually tailored procedure. This review is aimed at aiding in the preoperative counseling of transgender women who seek to undergo vaginoplasty procedure by examining both its healing process benefits and possible postoperative sequelae in detail.

What are the Benefits of Vaginoplasty?

According to the ISAPS, the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Turkey is currently the most popular destination in the world for aesthetic rhinoplasty. In other words, more people than anywhere else travel to Turkey to have a rhinoplasty performed for aesthetic reasons. This finding draws attention to the fact that Istanbul has become the world capital of trending rhinoplasty styles in an aesthetic context. There is no report that focuses on the current trends in rhinoplasty in the world. Some say that the trend in the world at the moment is the opposite of the trends in Turkey because the world is entering an era where the demand for cosmetic surgery will fall.

The current fad depends on the location. Therefore, in different locations/fashion cities, different new latest nose surgery techniques Turkey appear every 2-3 years. All of the trending rhinoplasty styles actually depend on collective demands, structures, and the national aesthetic template. Therefore, in this chapter, we will talk about rhinoplasty and its new rhinoplasty trends 2024 in Turkey. As well as latest nose surgery techniques Turkey, the main subject of the book is the national, actual, and latest status of rhinoplasty trends 2024 in Turkey. According to the ISAPS results, Turkey has experienced a “golden age of aesthetic rhinoplasty”. In fact, the demand for latest nose surgery techniques Turkey has far exceeded the demand for revisional trending rhinoplasty styles. In society, the demand for a beautiful nose as an aesthetic pleasure has been very widespread.

What are the Benefits of Vaginoplasty?

Vaginal rejuvenation surgery is a vital stage in the transitions that transgender women, especially those who were assigned male at birth, undergo for their gender affirmations. The surgery aims to address physical dysphoria and distress by creating a genital structure that reflects the individuals’ gender identity. Besides providing a peri-urethral opening, the neovagina in a midline configuration, with mucous (pink) labia majora, improves psychopathological outcomes in affected individuals. Both the gender affirmation and sexual function improve after surgery. The main benefits of vaginoplasty are:

  • Achieving a sense of completeness: Even if the definitive physical transition is not the goal of all those dealing with gender incongruence, the neovagina is among the surgical options available, permitting the affected persons to match their physical appearance more closely with their affirmed gender.
  • Achieving mental peace: It improves the quality of life and self-esteem as the body-averse nature reduces and almost becomes normal.
  • Satisfaction: It is vital for the normal functioning of the whole body and being more productive. After sex reassignment surgery, they become more A good appearance and decency are associated with high levels of satisfaction. Personal relationships and sex are more important to an individual than job satisfaction, interestingly. It is especially important after gender-affirming surgery.
  • Ease in transportation: A majority of early postoperative transgender women experienced fears of exposure of their hidden gender identity during the security checks at airports. Such fears are greatly reduced with the availability of gender-affirming genitalia, leading to psychological and emotional peace of mind.
  • Higher self-esteem: The benefits of vaginoplasty has a positive effect on oneself.

Gender-affirming surgery can help prevent both suicide attempts and self-harm as it increases the sense of self and femininity, thereby enhancing self-esteem. The vagina can also result in post-transition persons feeling inferior to their partners, leading to emotional and psychological distress. Hindrances in sexual pleasure could minimize if there is a neovagina available. It would also mean that the social dysphoria of being different from the “authentic women” would largely be reduced if wanting to be sexual. Furthermore, the neovagina would give a substitute to penile inversion, making penetrative sex possible as another surgery. If no SOC procedure were available, being able to have penetrative sex with aforementioned options would also likely be unattainable. Penetrative sex is a vital part of the lives of countless transgender women, and it is used as a form of intimacy, stress management, and expression of love between partners, couples, and oneself. It is socially and mechanically important with partners and self-pleasure.

Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery and Techniques

There are lots of different techniques of vaginal rejuvenation surgery, but the doctors will always start with the construction of the vulva. Surgery is usually done under general anesthetic in a hospital operating theatre. Surgery begins with the removal of the penis. Scrotums are sometimes used to create the outer labia. The testicles are removed from the scrotum, and the scrotal skin is turned around to form the outer lips of the vagina. Penile skin is surgically peeled away and is used to create a vaginal canal. Surgeons often use the length of the colon to line the vaginal canal, which is covered with a flap of skin to create the inner labia. If you have enough penile skin, surgeons can invert it to line the vaginal canal and replace any of the intestinal linings with the scrotal skin. This is called an ‘intestinal or full lining’.

Prior to surgery, you will have some of your own bodily fluid (blood or ejaculate) collected and frozen should you want to have genetically related children in the future. You will have a wound between your legs that requires cleaning. You may need a catheter for a week after your surgery. Stitches inside the vagina dissolve after 4 months. Stitches used to close the skin usually dissolve after 2 weeks. Dissolving stitches save you from needing to get them taken out. There is no packing or stent placed in the neovagina at the end of surgery. Studies show there is no benefit to having anything in the vagina while it heals.

Recovery and outpatient care If you have a full-time job, surgeons usually recommend being off for 6-8 weeks or longer if the job is physical. It is possible to return to light activities right after your surgery. Regular sexual activity can often be resumed after 3 months. Advancements in the surgical techniques for vaginoplasty procedures have led to the evolution of high-quality neovaginal tissue without hair. Unfortunately, urethral stents are required even after hair-bearing skin urethroplasty. Synthetic options have been investigated, such as de-tabbed or de-epithelialized free flaps, but none of these techniques completely eliminate the risk of hair loss.

How Much a Vaginoplasty Cost?

What is vaginoplasty? Also known as bottom surgery or gender-affirming vaginoplasty, is a surgical procedure that creates a vagina. Vaginoplasty can be done via a few techniques and surgical approaches. In simple, non-technical terms, vaginoplasty consists of two main steps. The first is to create the actual space where the vagina will be, and this is done by penile inversion, sigmoid colon vaginal rejuvenation surgery, or by using other techniques that transform or extend the penile skin into the shape and size of a vagina. The second step is to create the lining of the vagina through the method that was chosen.

The financial vaginoplasty cost can include the surgeons’ fees, the hospital’s or the surgery center’s fees, the anesthesiologists’ fee, and medications. Insurance coverage can range from covering the procedure in full, in part, or not at all. Vaginoplasty cost goes beyond the financial concerns and entails careful consideration of psychosocial aspects. Psyc          hosexual readiness has consistently shown to produce the most elegant outcomes in penile inversion vaginal rejuvenation surgery, a more functional and tactile vagina. Most of the surgeons who reported in-depth discussions with the patient report the evaluation of this plane as a determinant of outcomes. Few other factors that have been found to influence success are adequate support, informed consent, and good decision-making.