Göğüs Estetiği Konsültasyonunuza Hazırlık: Sorulması Gereken Sorular



Globally, there has been a rise in meme büyütme surgery. Many different operations can alter, reshape, reduce or increase chest size or undergo any further procedures. The most popular are those of breast augmentation. When considering breast augmentation procedures it is important to present yourself to a qualified consultant with overall knowledge of breast augmentation in Turkey surgery and specific to the procedures of interest. For this important meeting to be effective, you need to have a good understanding and be well prepared. That is why I am composing a short series of articles on what such a consultation in my office is all about. The main topics I usually discuss are as follows:

Aesthetic consultations should not be taken lightly. To proceed, a gargantuan amount of reading needs to be excersized. Before that, there are countless questions and plenty of information necessary beforehand just to avoid risking misinformed. This article is dedicated to a checklist to ensure you’re As well informed as you can get before your next appointment.

Selecting Your Surgeon

Selecting a breast augmentation in Turkey procedure can and should actually be an enjoyable, empowering process—one in which you and the surgeon work together to help you to achieve your goals. It’s okay to feel nervous before the consultation and even be skeptical before making a final decision. When it comes to the qualifications and level of experience of a surgeon, he or she must have a good level of education. Look for the qualification of his or her certification. This means the physician is dedicated to continual education and advancement of he profession. Typically, patients report finding multiple providers who are board certified.

While there is a great deal of overlap between cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery, choose a specialist who spends the majority of their time treating patients most like you. Although practice reps are important, the surgeon will be the one doing most of your surgery. Try to find a surgeon who has done over 100 procedures a year. To evaluate an MD’s artistic style, scan before and after photos. A skin-focused provider will not provide a patient with enough options. A patient will be in requirement of nonsurgical prescriptions. When an inadequately trained surgeon is in dire need of work and is not able to manage a specific procedure, they will be more than willing to do it on you.

The qualifications and experience

The right surgeon makes all the difference in a positive outcome. It is worth the time to interview plastic and reconstructive surgeons, attend a few informational seminars and go online to research potential doctors. Here are some considerations:

Quite often, for ensuring better health and the successes of your surgery, you need to determine whether the plastic and reconstructive surgeon chosen is adequately qualified and experienced. Ensure that your doctor is qualified and experienced in the breast augmentation in Turkey procedure you desire. Check their membership of societies pertinent to plastic and reconstructive surgery, and if they are qualified. Visit their website and read about them. It should enable you to have a good idea about their background, qualifications, the number of such procedures that they have handled, results and, by and large, make you “feel good” about the surgeon.

One outstanding common feature part of the best plastic and reconstruction surgeons is that they have vast experience in surgery. Experience is one thing that cannot be replaced with anything else, especially when it comes to the operation room. For no matter how great or innovative a surgical procedure may seem, the truly gifted and seasoned plastic and reconstructive surgeon presents experience-based knowledge, sound judgment, and reaction capability to the operating table, resulting in safe, high-quality outcomes. Another important point: good surgeons are patient, too, taking their time to assess whether a certain aesthetic treatment or surgical procedure will deliver the results their patient desires. If not, they will have other options, and share it with their clients and discuss it with them; even if it means not pursuing the treatment or surgery at all.

Before-and-After Portfolio

The fact that every anatomy-matched breast aesthetics consent sheet includes the record of results to be achieved postoperatively testifies to the insistence of reviewing before-and-after portfolios provided by any prospective surgeon. This is the ABC of selecting a surgeon. The portfolio will confirm all that—testimonies readable directly from the patient, trust, skill, and “artistry,” providing definitions of beauty and consistency.


When considering a portfolio, there are nuances: it is not merely a gallery of results; for example, in many patient testimonials, there is the urging to “just believe” that the image will be yours. This is helpful, yet so very hard to take and apply to one’s own situation. It is important to be sure that your desired image can indeed be obtained with your body before even meeting a certain surgeon.

If correct, shape is found (as your decision), and then it is of utmost importance to verify that the surgeon has the capacity to make the confirmed shape on a range of body types very similar to your own on a repetitive basis.  You will likely be able to find an exact match, but you will find that numerous examples with differing starting points will be able to attain the shape that at least you felt was attractive. Fat distribution, integrity, elasticity, and overall quality will vary from woman to woman; with a significant outlier shape included, it should be easily attributable due to unique circumstances surrounding that patient.

Dimension appearance to note that the surgeon is operating on the entire breast aesthetics complex— not just the implant in question. Most abnormal findings are probably due, but not necessarily, to variables related to the quality of the photograph or the subject— how the patient is posing.

Myopersonalization: Your Goals and Expectations

A discussion with the surgeon will be undertaken sitting down; he will review your medical history to determine if you are a candidate for any of the repeating procedures or new procedure on the meme büyütme that you want. Do note that it is pertinent for the surgeon to be in the know of what medications you are on, and also the surgical history that you have (if any) social history. Our customized approach and going the extra mile, when combined with the best of today’s medical technology, can in one word help an individual look better and feel better.

Bearing in mind the very valuable time, the precious resources, and the general being that must be well respected when someone walks into our office for a breast aesthetics related consultation, it’s always best to go well-armed with some knowledge of the procedures you’d like and all relevant information. Pre-consultation, make sure to jot down what you currently wear for a bra and your bra size. If you have already had surgery, bring the operative report(s) that were done at the time of surgery. If you are seeking a revision because you had a problem, bring the operative and progress notes if you had a problem that was cared for elsewhere. In addition, bring in your mammogram and ultrasound reports from within the past two years; bring the reports even if you are under 40 years of age. If available bring past mammograms and ultrasound films as a preparation for breast aesthetics.

Medical History and Pre-Consultation Preparations

The first and foremost requirements are that you should be very clear about what you want to achieve and what your expectations are. By this, we mean taking the time to think carefully about what you want to accomplish with surgery and what you would perceive to be the best possible outcome. Be sure to take into account what may be improved and what possible changes to your body are acceptable to you. This can mean enhancing the breast size or increasing fullness in the upper part. Take time to identify specific elements that you value before the preparation for breast aesthetics.

This way, setting a focus and reflecting on perspective and position, you can help yourself grow in confidence for your aesthetic consultation. On one hand, clear reflection and goal setting can help your doctor understand who you are and what kinds of outcomes matter most to you. On the other, this sort of introspection gives the individual back so much in the way of support through something that is often intimidating. It is by such deliberation where the how and why of your getting breast augmentation in Turkey surgery could involve changes you have undergone because of giving birth, aging, or genetic influences, or by having long wished for implants that will allow a concentration on the pros and cons of any technique in addition to benefits you wish to achieve, rather than attempting one or several of them, leaving you adrift with too much information and too many methods to choose from.

Questions to Ask During the Consultation

Questions to ask during consultation:

This will be a good time to clarify and feel confident that your procedure is right for you, not only about the procedure itself, but also about your surgeon and his practice. Otherwise the surgeon may feel that you are not listening to his answers and he may think that you are not taking enough interest. Try to limit your questions to 10-15 of the most pressing ones. You must prepare a list of questions beforehand. Consider asking during preparation for breast aesthetics your surgeons some of the following questions:


– Do you have an operation that you prefer for attempting to achieve the cosmetic results that I would like? Why?

– Are there any additional procedures that would help me attempt to reach the cosmetic results that I am desiring?

– Should I come to the final consultation into the surgery with marks on my skin to help draw up for surgery markers?

– I am happy for my scars to fade with time, does this affect the operation you would recommend or the result I could expect?

– Is there an ideal time for you to perform my operation, in terms of when you feel at your best from experience as a doctor?

– What is the duration that the results of my procedure will last for?

– What would be the implication if I wished to have another operation after this? Would further procedures be more risky and difficult?

– Should I quit smoking?

– I hope for results with the least possible additional complications or revision surgeries to fix the first or re-corrections. What type of result should I expect?