What is Dental Implant? - Permanent Solution for Missing Teeth



This shall be a comprehensive guide towards dental implants where you shall have all your questions answered, and then probably some. We must ensure that you feel fully comfortable and informed to make a decision on whether dental implants in Turkey are for you; this equates to explanations in simple and easy-to-understand terms about what a dental implant is, what the processes are, about the money, and anything in between. Therefore, this guide could be read linearly or selectively; one may simply jump to the sections he/she is most curious about.

Dental implants can never be compared to any other available option of tooth restoration on account of considerations relating to functioning, appearance, and feeling resulting from resembling natural teeth. Hence, these make them the most successful dental option. The following is a comprehensive guide on dental implants, their benefits, and types you may encounter. The next few pages will elaborate further on the dental implant process and describe what a person might experience on the day of implant surgery. We will also discuss some of the most common questions asked about dental implants procedure: the cost of a dental implant and risk factors involved with getting a dental implant. In the final section of the book, we will discuss what you can expect after dental implant surgery.

Anatomy of a Dental Implant

The definition of dental implants in Turkey begins with one basic part and that is fixture. Its design will be elaborated upon initially here in detail.

The fixture and the surface placed on is both called dental implants in Turkey. This definition alone describes characteristics that are distinctive with another screw devices insert within our body.


The majority of commercial dental implants in Turkey are fabricated from commercially pure titanium or titanium alloys. Sometimes a ceramic material is also used. Zirconia dental implants in Turkey are still in exclusive mode regarding their use. No significant difference is stated in terms of the osseointegration of both types of implants. Some property differences also appear between pure and alloyed titanium materials.

Abutment Screws

The abutment system also varies from one manufacturer to another. The interface between the implant’s surface and the peri-implant tissue shall be detailed in two separate yet related uncomplicated steps to illustrate the intended general idea. The most prominent features of the interface» then the structure of the implant body. A transitional stage — connecting element/integral part — between these two components.


Factually, the aforesaid presence of an interface should be considered under four different heads that are to include the connection area, connection type, connection form, and connection mechanism. The interface has sublayers, which get impacted during the dental implant that includes layers of oxide and contamination that may assume the forms of organic species.

Intervening Surgical Steps for the Placement of Dental Implants Procedure

There are steps that take before getting dental implant surgery. Ideally, there’s a thorough examination and a full set of x-rays taken. Clearly, not everyone can have immediate dental implants procedure—each case has to be looked at on its own merit. Some will first have to go through the procedures, such as bone grafts. Your surgeon will discuss that with you. They will also go through your medical history. Your presurgical preparation for dental implants procedure may require a physical, laboratory testing, blood transfusions, antibiotic, and other medication treatments. We encourage you to avoid any non-essential medications and drugs before the operation. These include anticoagulants, steroids, antiplatelet medications, complementary therapies, and supplements. We also advise that you discontinue all prescription and over-the-counter drugs far in advance of your surgery to help in reducing the possibility of too much bleeding during the dental implants procedure.

If bone grafting is to be done, it is most probably going to be on an outpatient dental implants procedure basis. The procedure typically involves only the use of light sedation. In some cases, mainly where loss in bone tissue is significant, a patient may be prescribed short antibiotic treatments just before and after surgery. This may help in preventing even the slightest chance of an infection of bone and in supporting the bone’s health and the health of our surgical sites. We will schedule an appointment between one and two weeks following implant surgery for the removal of the loose screw. This screw is usually a healing abutment or tissue collar and is set against the gum to help shape it around your implant. This removal is accomplished without the need for an anesthetic. For the first 4 weeks, you will be instructed to eat only soft or mashed food for the first 6 weeks or until you feel that you can comfortably return to your former chewing capacity. Once you are comfortable, begin to integrate soft foods into your diet. In some cases, you may prefer to discontinue wearing dentures a few weeks before your implant surgery. Permanent dentures necessitate a separate appointment.

Osseointegration: The Secret Behind Successful Dental Implants in Turkey

It is believed that always there has been maximum challenge in the creation of an ideal dental prosthesis to replace a missing tooth root in the most possible morphologically and, generally, functionally compatible manner. Branemark introduced the English word “osseointegration” to describe what he saw in his histological preparations, the direct structural and functional connection between living bone and the surface of a load-bearing implant, in contrast to the more superficial, fibrous barrier forming non-dysfunctional tissue integration of the soft tissue. However, it must be kept in mind that, whereas scientifically the term is used by the researchers only when the bone and implant are in close apposition to one another, within the practice of dentistry, the term is used with less stringency to mean merely apposition of bone to the implant or fibrous tissue to the implant. So, in other words, what precisely is happening between the titanium and the surrounding bony trabeculae or the fibrous tissue, and what, thus, makes it so important? How well the implant forms this direct bond decides, in a very very general way, just how well it works.

A closer look at an abutment will make a person see that it would not be justified to consider it a part of an implant residing in the prosthesis but that it was itself an extended part of the prosthesis, part of the structure through and only through which, at the time of the treatment, forces are finally loaded onto the implant. An implant that cannot do these duties is doomed to failure. Fortunate enough for now, implants do osseointegrate within a rather acceptable manner. Studies suggest 10-year survival rates estimated at around 98%. The more complete the joining is between the titanium and bone/implant in the formation of osseointegration, the better chance the implant has to provide for a functional tooth replacement. In a follow-up statement, the measurement of the extent to which implants osseointegrate might establish how easy or difficult it is to rehabilitate with a future prosthesis. In other words, the better an implant osseointegrates with bone, the easier it is to rehabilitate.

The Abutment and Prosthetic Tooth

The implant can then have an artificial tooth attached to it. It is always titanium and goes into the implant in such a way that it is solidly held. Some dental prosthetic pieces require being attached by screws to either the abutment or the implant, while the cut remains a piece of the familiar material with the same color and is then cemented as one unit. Now that the abutment was solidly fastened into the implant, the next abutment was able to be started.

Attached to it is a prosthesis, called the abutment—a set of artificial teeth. It would be the same procedure that would be used no matter what type of abutment is involved to create a bridge, crown, or denture. Just as what happens with the implant being directly inserted into the jawbone, so can the abutment rest right at the gum line. In this way, the patient does not have to endure bone grafting or removal of the abutment at another time. If this is the case, the abutment is attached when the implant is placed. However, in the case of having the abutment at the correct level which requires a second procedure, the gum has to be reopened. In all instances, the abutment is screwed into the implant. The replacement teeth are fitted on the abutment. In the unseen mouths parts, the naked eye would not identify the single abutment. The individual, therefore, can have the abutment and the crowns cast together in one piece where that part above the gum line is seen as a full white tooth.

The Artificial Teeth

The main advantages that are associated with removable artificial teeth are it is less expensive. The technique is simple and does not require much time to end, usually a day. The force and chewing exerted by the implant teeth fitted in different places in the mouth and dental implants in Turkey adjusted are almost equal to the original teeth. Removable artificial teeth are much easier to clean and maintain. One disadvantage of the removable option is that it does not offer the same amount of stability and force as the fixed option. Removable artificial teeth last but for very years before need for a new one, fixed ones are permanently. The implant surgery was painless and took only one hour and was quite uneventful after few months of recuperation.

On the contrary, the fixed artificial implants have to, of course cost more than ending other treatments. The general dentare practice time of the growth ceramic artificial gums is more significant. That is because the ceramic crown has to successfully go through a detailed and exhaustive method, and for that reason, it takes much longer to be done compared to the main teeth or gum form. After a while, fixed dental implants in Turkey may become damaged and need replacement if proper care is not taken. Sometimes, the bone still grows and mixes with the replacement teeth, and the fixed temples cannot be placed. It’s either removable or fixed artificial implants that may adapt to the needs and dental needs of different patients. Most dentists recommend what to use to improve their lives through dental treatment.

Artificial Teeth: Removable and Fixed Decision

The main advantages that are associated with removable artificial teeth are it is less expensive. The technique is simple and does not require much time to end, usually a day. The force and chewing exerted by the implant teeth fitted in different places in the mouth and dental implants in Turkey adjusted are almost equal to the original teeth. Removable artificial teeth are much easier to clean and maintain. One disadvantage of the removable option is that it does not offer the same amount of stability and force as the fixed option. Removable artificial teeth last but for very years before need for a new one, fixed ones are permanently. The implant surgery was painless and took only one hour and was quite uneventful after few months of recuperation.

On the contrary, the fixed artificial implants have to, of course cost more than ending other treatments. The general dentare practice time of the growth ceramic artificial gums is more significant. That is because the ceramic crown has to successfully go through a detailed and exhaustive method, and for that reason, it takes much longer to be done compared to the main teeth or gum form. After a while, fixed dental implants in Turkey may become damaged and need replacement if proper care is not taken. Sometimes, the bone still grows and mixes with the replacement teeth, and the fixed temples cannot be placed. It’s either removable or fixed artificial implants that may adapt to the needs and dental needs of different patients. Most dentists recommend what to use to improve their lives through dental treatment.

Dental implant Price

As is already known, dental implant price and other treatments require certain fees. The treatment prices vary depending on the country, region, city, clinic, and dentist. When the international price comparison of a dental implant surgery in Turkey is made, it is seen that these prices are much more advantageous than in Europe. Nevertheless, some procedures can cause the cost of dental implant treatment to change due to different materials. These treatments provided by the same professional dentist and clinic may be more expensive and more affordable in the same country. When examining these figures, it is seen that the main factors that affect the fluctuation in the dental implant cost: clinic, geographical location, brand, material of the prosthesis, method, and anesthesia applied.

These artificial teeth, prepared by expert prosthesis technicians based on the needs of the patients, have aesthetic quality, tooth color, prosthesis biocompatibility, forming the base of FIBC bridge, and the votes that will be used. If the patient has extra, they must pay an additional fee as a dental implant price. There is an alloy material in the dentures that form the base of the prosthesis teeth to be placed on the implant body, as well as the coating material over this alloy. Although there are some people who use materials close to the cost of a gold coating with high aesthetics and biocompatible edge coatings from Switzerland and Germany, they prefer alloy materials produced in Denmark, both to reduce costs and to include parts of the implants. For screw-type implants that will be used in Turkey, the amount of dental implant price €1,000-3,000 can be paid in addition to the implant and zircon bridges. The cost of planning, examination, panoramic tomography, 3D tomography, or X-ray films; in other words, regardless of whether the bone density is taken from inside or outside, these exams and films are paid by various health institutions. In small dental polyclinics, the prices of the services they give from the hour or at the time depend on the economic prices of the country where they are located.