Scegliere gli impianti mammari giusti: silicone o soluzione salina



Breast augmentation is one of the most common and accepted plastic surgeries. The surgery has been around for decades, and with the advancement in technology, the procedure is much safer and with results almost indistinguishable from natural breasts. However, complications might still occur, so it is important to choose the right implants for one’s body type, lifestyle and preferences to minimize any risk of these problems.

Breast implants are prostheses which can increase the size, improve the shape or symmetry, or alignment and elevate drooping of female breasts. Generally, breast implant types can be divided into two categories according to the kind of filling: saline breast implants and silicone gel implants. After breast implants, the patients can also enjoy the sexual feelings in their breasts. However very important is that patients must choose the right kind of breast implants for themselves before implantation. For ladies who have a desire to perfect their figure through breast augmentation choices, it is necessary to work out what breast implant types can adapt to them and satisfy them.

Although silicone and saline breast implants might sound a bit overwhelming at first, considering the factors below will guide you to which type of implant is best for your body and the results you are looking for. Note, however, that the choice in selecting the appropriate implant is already part of the choice of women, and that breast augmentation choices are visual art in itself—one that entails an aesthetic vision that is unique and bio-individual. Most, if not all, of the potential risks of such augmentation, then, are due to these decisions regarding implant size, shape, and material, made at the pre-operative consultation appointments between the patient and their board-certified plastic surgeon.

Silicone Breast Implants

They work very well for some patients. These are made of a silicone gel which is close to being of the same texture and thickness as natural body fat.Silicone breast implants can either be received filled or unfilled with silicone. The main difference there is that a silicone gel implant must be received prefilled with the gel. Another major controversy of silicone implant is that it has brought highly scrutinized cases and in some cases, even controversially considered the increased possibility of disorders and autoimmune diseases related to any type of implant. Fortunately, the several testing and studies conclude that there is no health risk with the new-generation silicone implants, since the silicone is not the cause of health risks in those implants.

Due to the many large studies of the late 1990s, implants were removed from the marketplace altogether for several years. But no studies reveal how exactly health risks associated with silicone are. If you are considering this option, make sure you know how frequently you need to have a “tox” screen set to determine the condition and placement of the implant in the event of a suspected silicone leak or rupture. Finally, it is advisable to consult well with a plastic surgeon who is board certified and properly trained in breast augmentation choices and all types of implants. Silicone, originally, is a silicon fill. A “gummy” or “form-stable” cohesive silicone gel fill is used in the “gummy bear” breast implant types.

Saline Breast Implants

Please know what saline breast implants really are before you perform breast augmentation with a saline breast implant. When you know the features and benefits of saline breast implants, you can choose the right breast implant for you, and how to have other information for implant and implanting equipment.

Saline breast implants consist of an outer silicone shell that is filled with a sterilized solution of saline water and a sterile dilute mixture of common salt, and sodium chloride.

Advantages of Saline Breast Implants:

– They can treat breast implants that are flat on one side in women with tuberous breast deformities, which can cause a slow injury to the body of approximately one cup size.

– They have a smaller surgical scar than silicone breast implants.

– Like silicone breast implants, non-textured saline breast implants are less likely to cause major complications such as breast problems and ulcers caused by bacterial infections.

– They have never been associated with a rare type of external breast-implant-associated cancer called BIA-ALCL.

– They have never been associated with a rare type of internal hematoma-breast cancer in men and women worldwide.

– They always keep their own form and do not deform over time like silicone.

– The new Mentor saline breast implant no longer includes softening. Please always identify with Mentor saline breast implants in the Symbols part.

– Saline breast implants are only manufactured by Mentor and Allergan manufacturers in the United States.

– Allergan and Mentor silicone breast implants are now available for use in women at least 18 years old.

Precautions and Considerations:

– It is not recommended to excessively pump or engage in push-ups or bouncing activities when breasts reach their final shape and size (3 to 6 months) with a saline breast implantation.

– Silicone and saline breast implants are available in the United States in both identical oval-shaped and optimized round breast implants.

– Incomplete inflammation cholesterol after breast implant removal helps remove the last material after mammography in women with breast cancer.

Silicone and Saline Implants Comparison

Modern-day silicone breast implants have a natural silicone gel inside the breast, which can only take a very small incision made around the areola, under the breast, or under the arm. They are lighter and softer, which tends to have a more natural look for a woman’s body. Silicone breast implants cost a little more than the saline breast implants, yet the look and feel can be more appealing. Saline implants feel firmer than silicone breast implants.

Some women really like the firmness because their natural tissue might be firmer, while some women do not like the feeling.

Saline implants lose firmness when there is a small hole or rupture in the silicone shell of the implant that allows the saline solution to escape. This will then be absorbed by the body. Your implant specialist will check this and might encourage the implant to be removed and replaced. The saline breast implants can be inserted, while silicone breast implants are pre-filled before being inserted and sealed. Because of this, bigger incisions will be made in the operating areas of the body for silicone implants than for saline implants. Silicone implants come in different sizes. Saline implants, on the other hand, are inserted inside the body of the female until the implants reach the desired size. Once positioned, they will be filled with the sterile saline solution since these implants come only in the same quantity that can be inserted in the body.

Saline can create a rippling effect that may look unnatural on the woman’s breast. The problem usually occurs when a woman has little breast tissue. Women with an adequate amount of breast tissue can also get a rippling effect. Women, especially those with a high activity level, can tolerate the firmness of the saline implant. Silicone is more appropriate for the woman’s body. Silicone is more natural-looking and feeling.

How to Choose the Best Breast Implants?

Implant patients need to consider the comparative benefits of silicone vs. saline. Best breast implants come in different textures and sizes and are inflated with the filler, saline, or cohesive silicone gel. After a woman decides to go through with breast augmentation choices, the next critical choice is deciding which type of best breast implants. This article compares the relative benefits of liquid saline and cohesive gel silicone implants and explains how patients can consider the differences to determine which is best for them.

5 main factors to consider with breast implant types:

  1. Personal preferences – Some women feel safer and more comfortable with saline implants, and others prefer silicone breast implants. There is no medical reason which trumps personal preferences.
  2. Lifestyle – Certain lifestyle factors may favor one implant type over another. For example, women who are more physically active and at risk of trauma to a breast may prefer the natural support and firmness of saline implants, which are less likely to spread and change shape with gel bleed in case of a puncture.
  3. Body type – Thin women who lack the ‘camouflage’ of fatty breast tissue particularly favor the cohesive silicone breast implants, which are less prone to rippling and other problems that result from saline implants and their ‘water balloon’ type quality.
  4. Size preferences – Very slim women who want and can safely accommodate larger implants may prefer the predictable looks and feel of the gel silicone implants. Allow 25% of the volume of gel implants as natural breast tissue without feeling too firm for a good safety margin.
  5. Surgical considerations – Saline breast implants require a smaller incision than silicone and may therefore be better for women who insist on having their incisions in the armpit.